Personality Portraits in Raleigh

The Beauty of Personality Portraits: What they are and why you need them

Little girl smiling and laughing with pigtails I white sweater.

Your kids grow up in a blink of an eye.

Itā€™s true what they say - your kids grow up in a blink of an eyeā€¦but Iā€™m sure you already know that because youā€™re experiencing it. There is no way to slow time or to pause it. As a Family Photographer in Raleigh, NC who is frequently photographing little ones, Iā€™ve learned we need to embrace the present to fully soak in the beauty it brings.  

Four photos of a boy's personality portraits with him smiling and laughing.

As moms weā€™re all so busy! Between keeping up the never-ending laundry, changing all of the diapers, and opening up a million snacks in addition to working a full-time job, life is busy! Itā€™s also so beautiful! You never want to forget how your little one squints her left eye a little more than her right when she smiles so big. Or how your little boy has the most adorable little smirk where the right corner of his smile is ever so slightly higher. Or how your baby sticks out her tongue when she gets excited! Thereā€™s so many details we want to hold on to forever and this is why Personality Portraits in Raleigh, NC are so important. They allow you to forever hold on to the perfect way your child is in this season. Even more so than that though is the benefits Personality Portraits have on your children when they look at a photo of themself.

Boy smiling at the camera with his hands by his head showing how old he is as his Personality Portrait in Raleigh.

You may be thinking, ā€œAwesome. Iā€™m convinced I need them. Now what are Personality Portraits?ā€ The answer is simple. Personality Portraits are photos of just your little one in front of a white backdrop without any distractions. Thatā€™s it! All the focus and attention in the photo is just on your little one. Personality Portraits in Raleigh, NC are intentionally simple because simplicity holds sacred space for your little one to be themselves! Which is exactly what we want!

a girl in a white sweater smiling and laughing at the camera for per personality portrait in Raleigh.

Here are five benefits your little one will gain from Personality Portraits:


01. Instills confidence in children

When they see their unique qualities, especially when theyā€™re printed and placed on the walls of your home, it increases their sense of value and worth! Their identity is validated when theyā€™re looking at a self portrait. When children see themselves represented in a positive light and in a visually-appealing way where theyā€™re captured beautifully, they gain confidence in their identity.

02. Builds self-esteem

When your child looks at it, they see themselves in a new light. They see their qualities and characteristics, which makes them beautifully unique by highlighting their unique qualities and personality traits. Ultimately, they see themself as we see them.

03. Encourages self expression

The simplicity of personality portraits gives them space to express themselves creatively, however they feel led to do it! Thereā€™s no one holding them and thereā€™s not a sibling interacting with them. There is a space held just for them to get to be exactly who they are meant to be.

04. Celebrates childrenā€™s individuality

Through the simplicity of a Personality Portrait, it allows your child to embrace who they are. It becomes a celebration of how theyā€™re created with unique characteristics. Through Personality Portraits, your little one will see that they are beautifully and wonderfully made.

05. Save your favorite little details

Do you ever look at your little one and think about how you never want to forget a small little detail that your favorite? The way the say ā€œcheese!ā€ or their perfectly bouncy curls? There isnā€™t a better way than capturing those details in personality portraits.

What are Personality Portraits?

The answer is simple. Personality Portraits are photos of just your little one in front of a white backdrop without any distractions. Thatā€™s it! All the focus and attention in the photo is just on your little one. Personality Portraits in Raleigh, NC are intentionally simple because simplicity holds sacred space for your little one to be themselves! Which is exactly what we want!

Boy smiling and laughing at the camera in a white shirt as his personality portrait in Raleigh.

What do you do with Personality Portraits?

Print them!

Print them, frame them and hang them on the walls of your home to display the perfect personality your little one has. This allows them to enjoy their photos and truly embrace who they are like I shared above! Not only that, everyone that walks into your home will instantly build up your little oneā€™s self-esteem and self-worth as your little one hears all about how adorable they are. What a gift to be able to give your children! Plus, you will instantly smile when you look at them.

As your Raleigh Family Photographer, I preserve these favorite moments of motherhood through a stress-free experience and heirloom-worthy artwork. I know youā€™re busy mama so I take the printing and framing off of your plate! I offer custom-designed gallery walls alongside you. Through this process, you send me a photo of the wall in your home where you want to display your new Personality Portraits then we get on a zoom call to collaborate in designing your dream gallery wall for your children. You get to choose everything - the frame that looks best with your decor, the matte size and print size in real time as we design your gallery wall. The best part? I take care of the ordering and delivery so it arrives at your doorstep! Iā€™m here to serve you, mama.

Girl in four photos smiling and laughing at the camera as her Personality Portraits in Raleigh.

Iā€™d love to connect with you!

If we havenā€™t met yet, hi! Iā€™m Kelly!

I am a film and digital family photographer local to Raleigh, NC. My passion is preserving motherhoodā€™s joyous memories found in the chaos through family, newborn and maternity sessions. I am a mom to three little ones, all three and under, including identical twins. Through my own experience, I know how to capture the beauty in the chaos for other mamas! Itā€™s no wonder I am drawn to the playfulness and unpredictability toddlers bring to every session. Itā€™s my greatest joy to preserve authentic, joyful memories of motherhood for busy mamas through stress-free experience and heirloom-worthy artwork.

Kelly Bullock Photography in a white blazer and holding her camera as your Raleigh photographer for Personality Portraits.

How to prepare your child for their Personality Portrait


Wake Forest Family Photographer